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Età Libera

The Theatre of the Maggio Musicale Florentino, through the  office of Cultural Promotion, offers a diverse audience of young and not-so-young spectators the opportunity to frequent the world of musical theatre at significantly facilitated conditions.

For years, members of the Centers of the Età Libera of the Municipality of Florence have been able to actively participate in theatre initiatives; both thanks to the discounted prices and the possibility of attending rehearsals that take place at suitable times.

The goal is to open our doors to an audience of all ages, taking into account the needs of all!

  • Write to [email protected] to be included in the offer distrubution list that the Theatre reserves for the Centres for the Età Libera of the Municipality of Florence.
  • Once the offer reserved for the Centres has been received, to make a reservation it is sufficient that the Centre compiles a list of requests received and sends it to [email protected].
  • Upon receipt of the request, a booking confirmation will be sent in which payment methods and relevant pick-up for requested tickets will be sent.